The Beginners Guide to Jump-start Your Healthy Lifestyle
- Creating a life you love allows you to be better at all you do. You can be a better wife, daughter, sister, aunt. You can be a better husband, son, brother, uncle. The trick is overcoming life’s many obstacles.
- That was my question when, in my late 30s, I was told my cholesterol was high. Everything I read at the time said to exercise, so I started moving more and dropped some weight. By the time my 40s hit, I gained more and had to change my strategy. This left me feeling depressed, indecisive, agitated and frustrated. Finally, disgusted, I registered for what I’ll call a “nutrition” program to jump-start a healthy lifestyle. This was singularly the most significant impact of my journey.
Armed with guidelines, tips, tricks, recipe ideas, cool gadgets and support, I made everlasting change! - I put together a list of easy and simple changes I could always refer to if my unhealthy habits creep-ed back in. I share them with you below.
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What is A Healthy Lifestyle

- Living a healthy lifestyle can mean many things to many people. Here, at the murph326Lifestyle, we like to think of a healthy lifestyle as bits of things that take care of your Mind, Body & Soul.
- Setting a daily intention, for example, can focus you throughout your day, even re-focus you during a challenging moment. You will feel more confident resulting in a better “Y.O.U.”
- The key is CONSISTENCY! Let me show you how!
How to get started with A Healthy Lifestyle
- Starting baby steps through a long & winding journey can create new habits that are lasting.
- Focus your efforts on only one thing at a time. This will help you be successful and feel rewarded. Most of all and most importantly, you will stick to it!
- Below, I describe the 8 categories that helped me implement small changes in my life, without the stress of time or overwhelm.
8 Simple Steps To Jump-start your Healthy Lifestyle
1. Fuel up
Nutrition is food for your body to function at a basic level, not to be mistaken for food for your soul, which can be sounds, smells, sights, etc. and also a post for another day! When we speak of fuel, we must shift our thinking to foods that are good for us vs. foods that bring us comfort. We want to bring our attention back to our macros, Carbs, Proteins and Fats. It is in these categorical guidelines we find great options that will make our body happy, which will make our mind and heart happy.
2. Get Moving
Well, in my humble opinion, you cannot have a list of healthy lifestyle changes without talking about all the benefits of moving more. From clear thinking to better moods to an easier life, there is no downside to moving more. I read somewhere that if I wanted to run, I should simply lace up and run out the door! Talk about a simple mind shift, #amiright ?! So I suggest you simply get moving more than you did yesterday!
3. Flexibility
Almost like an “unspoken” rule, flexibility is often associated with yoga, gymnastics, dancing. What we should be thinking of agility and quickness of ADL use, i.e. getting out of bed without our joints cracking or jumping up from the sofa when your team scores a goal/touchdown/homerun! So, roll out your mats, swing the uneven bars, turn up the tunes, or simply open the door…
4. Get Your ZZZZ’s
There are not enough words about sleep for me! My family DNA has the words nap running through it! The best day for me is a snowy or rainy day, lights low, under a blanket and binging Netflix while I nap! Sleeping refreshes your mind allowing you to think more clearly, you feel renewed and focused. So, take 5 and snooze!
5. Drink Up!
Water, that is! The common response when I say to drink more water is, “I need to use the bathroom so frequently”. Insert: eye roll emoji here! That’s the point of the water, flushing your system. There are so many healthy benefits of drinking water from glowing skin to weight loss! I simply am perplexed as to why one would not want to! So grab a glass of H2O; cheers to natural resources!
6. Love Yourself
Well, if you “can’t love the one you’re with”, love yourself! Self care is so important to feeling strong and empowered and confident! It’s ok to write “I am beautiful” with chalk in your driveway! It’s ok to walk in the sunshine, put a facial mask on or massage your feet. Put on some music and massage away!
7. Gratitude & Reflection
This should actually be #1 on my list of healthy lifestyle tips. But it seemed to flow better between these 2 items. Before bed, I think back on my day and thank God for 3 things, any 3 things that made me smile or created thoughtful discussion. In doing so, I bring to my dreams happiness, peace and love just by being grateful for the good presented to me that day. So say thank you to your maker!
8. Lifestyle
This may be the last item on this list, but you cannot have a healthy lifestyle, an optimistic outlook or a creative brainstorm without rules, guidelines and organization, whatever that means to you. For example, if you come home from work and leave a trail of your day behind you, life becomes a constant race, trying to find the keys to your car! You will find yourself late for appointments, for work, wearing 2 different colored shoes or forgetting your deodorant (what, you think that never happened?!). The quick answer to this haphazard life is to get organized, baby!
Common Questions/FAQ About Healthy Lifestyles
- “I don’t have the time” is exactly why we break things down into smaller “bits”
- “I hate exercise” – so just move! Download your favorite podcasts and take a walk. Exercise is whatever movement you enjoy.
- “Cooking isn’t for me” – check your grocer’s freezer section. You will find many healthy options that you can heat and eat (just watch the salt!)
The Last Thing You Need to Know about Jump-starting Your Healthy Lifestyle
- You can do this! Take your time and choose only the items that fit your lifestyle. Once you are comfortable with that change, add another and another…
- Live your best 326Lifestyle! A personal plan and a community of support will ensure your success. Get ready to join the movement!
- Before you go, here’s a roadmap for you to start …
Awesome post! Keep up the great work! 🙂